2020(e)ko apirilaren 27(a), astelehena

LH3 (27th April - 30thApril)

Good morning LH3 students!! How are you? Are you ready for a new week?
These are the tasks you have to carry out this short week. Remember, it's a bank holiday on Friday!

MONDAY, 27th APRIL 2020 

1) First, we are going to revise the unit vocabulary and song. You can do THIS worksheet again to listen to the song and to revise the vocabulary. You don't need to send it to me, just click on "terminado" and then "comprobar mis respuestas".
Lehenengo, unitateko hitzak eta abestia berrikusiko dugu. Fitxa interaktibo HAU egin dezakezu abestia berriro entzuteko eta hitzak berrikusteko. Ez didazue fitxa bidali behar. Bukatzerakoan "terminado" klikatu eta gero "comprobar mis respuestas. 

2)Now, we are going to work on some phonics: "CH" and "SH". To do so, do the following interactive worksheet. Click HERE. Remember, when you finish it, click on "finish" and then on "email my answers to my teacher". Fill in the information and then click on "send".
Orain, fonetika landuko dugu, hau da, hizkuntzaren "soinu" batzuk: "CH" eta "SH".  Horretarako hurrengo fitxa interaktiboa egin behar da. Klikatu HEMEN.  Gogoratu, bukatzerakoan "terminado" klikatu eta ondoren "enviar mis respuestas al profesor". Informazioa bete eta gero klikatu "send".



1)Do you remember the sounds "CH " and "SH? let's revise them HERE. Gogoratzen al duzue "CH" eta "SH" ingelesezko soinuak? Goazen hauek berrikustera HEMEN . Bukatzerakoan, gogoratu guri bidaltzeaz "enviar mis respuestas al profesor" klikatuz.

2) We are going to do some activities in the "extra book" to revise the food vocabulary. If you don't have the book, click on each page. Ariketa batzuk egingo ditugu "extra bookean"(tapa transparentea duena) janari hitzak berrikusteko. Liburuxka ez baduzue etxean, orria (page) bakoitzean klikatu:
Page 31: activities 1,2
Page 32: activities 1,2
Page 33: activities 1,2

Remember! I want --> affirmative (nahi dut) / I don't want--> negative (ez dut nahi)

3) Now, it's time to correct the activities. CLICK HERE. Orain, ariketak zuzentzeko momentua da. HEMEN klikatu.

 See you next week!  Have a nice long weekend!
Mati and Laura
3 Ways to Create a Heart Shape in Adobe Illustrator - Every-Tuesday

LH4 (27th April -30th April)

Good morning LH4 students!! How are you? Are you ready for a new week?
These are the tasks you have to carry out this short week. Remember, it's a bank holiday on Friday!

MONDAY, 27th APRIL 2020

1) First, correct the activities (Extra Book) you did on Friday. Find the answers HERE. Lehenengo, aurreko ostiraleko ariketak (Extra Bookekoak) zuzendu. Erantzunak HEMEN daude.

2) Second, we are going to revise the unit vocabulary and song. You can enter HERE again to listen to the song and to revise the vocabulary. You don't need to send it to me, just click on "terminado" and then "comprobar mis respuestas".
Orain, unitateko hitzak eta abestia berrikusiko dugu. HEMEN sartu zaitezke abestia berriro entzuteko eta hitzak berpasatzeko. Ez didazue fitxa bidali behar. Bukatzerakoan, "terminado" klikatu eta gero "comprobar mis respuestas". 

3)Now, we are going to revise the time! Do you remember? To do so, watch the video.
Orain, ordua nola esaten den berrikusiko dugu. Gogoratzen al duzue? Bideoa ikusi.

Starter Unit – Welcome back to Quest TV!

4) Finally, play some games to practice the time. Azkenik, webgune hauetan jolastu ordua nola esan lantzeko:


1) Revise how to tell the time. Watch the video again.  Then, you are ready to do THIS interactive worksheet. Remember to send it to me! Click on "terminado" and then"enviar mis respuestas a mi profesor". Fill all the information and clik on "send" (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus).
Ordua nola esan berrikusi. Bideoa berriro ikusi. Ondoren, fitxa interaktibo HAU egiteko prest zaude! Gogorau niri bidaltzeaz. Horretarako bukatzerakoan, "terminado" klikatu eta ondoren "enviar mis respuestas a mi profesor". Hutsuneak bete eta "send" klikatu. (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus)

2) Play the games again

Child's Cute Smiley Face Wall Clock Silent Quartz Home Time Fun ...
3 Ways to Create a Heart Shape in Adobe Illustrator - Every-Tuesday

2020(e)ko apirilaren 26(a), igandea

LH5 (27th April- 30th April)

Good morning LH5 students!! How are you? Are you ready for a new week?
These are the tasks you have to carry out this short week. Remember, it's a bank holiday on Friday!

MONDAY, 27th APRIL 2020
1) First of all, we are going to revise the prepositions. Do you remember my preposition song? In, on, under, over, in front of, behind...next to, between, opposite!!!! Look at the picture and then, watch the video. Lehenengo, preposizioak berrikusiko ditugu. Gogoratzen al duzue nire preposizioen abestia? In, on, under, over, in front of, behind...next to, between, opposite!!!! Irudia begiratu eta ondoren, bideoa ikusi:

Captura de pantalla 2018-11-28 a las 22.37.02
2) Now, you have to do an interactive worksheet. Clik HERE. Remember to click on "finish" and then, "email the answers to my teacher" (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus).
Orain, fitxa interaktibo bat egin behar duzue. Klikatu HEMEN. Gogoratu bukatzerakoan "terminado" klikatu behar duzuela eta ondoren "enviar las respuestas a mi profesor". Informazioa bete eta "send" klikatu. (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus)

3) Finally, you can play different games to practice prepositions. Azkenik, webgune hauetan jolastu dezakezue preposizioak lantzeko:


1) Let's revise some places around the town/city. Watch the video. Can you guess the place? Lekuen izenak berrikusiko ditugu. Bideoa ikusi, lekuak asmatu ditzakezu? 
Remember!!! STORE (American English)  =  SHOP (British English)

2) Now, let's revise some grammar. Do you remember when we use "THERE IS" and "THERE ARE"? We use them to describe a place. Remember: Orain gramatika berrikusiko dugu. Gogoratzen al duzue noiz erabiltzen dugun "THERE IS" edo "THERE ARE"? Lekuak deskribatzeko erabiltzen ditugu. Gogoratu:

3) Do the following interactive activity to revise "there is" and "there are". Click HERE. Remember to send it to me! Hurrengo ariketa egin "there is" eta "there are" lantzeko. Klikatu HEMEN. Gogoratu niri bidaltzea nire emaila idatziz!

4) Finally, watch a short video about Minions and asnswer the questions. Pay attention to the details! Click HEREAzkenik, Minionsen bideo bat ikusi eta azaltzen diren galderak erantzun. Erne egon!  HEMEN klikatu.

5) Next week, after learning about places and maps, you will have to design your own city! Start thinking about how your city will look like! Hurrengo astean, mapak eta lekuen izenak ikasi eta gero, hiri eto herri bat diseinatu beharko duzue! Joan pentsatzen nolakoa izango den zuen hiria!

 See you next week!  Have a nice long weekend!
3 Ways to Create a Heart Shape in Adobe Illustrator - Every-Tuesday

2020(e)ko apirilaren 20(a), astelehena

LH3 (20th April -24th April)

Hello students!! 
How was Easter? I hope you enjoyed the holidays.
These are the tasks you have to carry out this week: 


1)We are going to learn some new vocabulary about food. When you finish, send me the answers by clicking in "send my answers to my teacher".Orain, janariaren inguruko hitz batzuk ikasiko ditugu hurrengo fitxan. Bukatzerakoan, "email my answers to my teacher" jartzen duen lekuan klikatu eta hutsuneak bete niri bidaltzeko: Zuen izena (name), maila (grade), ikasgaia (subject) eta nire emaila (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus edo matialvarez@ipikarmengoama.eus).

Fitxa interaktibo hau "Pupil's Bookeko" 37.orria da.

Castellano: Una vez terminada la ficha interactiva, hay que darle a "terminado" (finish) y después a "enviar las respuestas al profesor" (email the answers to my teacher). Después, hay que rellenar la información que pide y por último añadir mi correo electrónico. De esa manera, podréis ver la ficha corregida y mandarme una copia automáticamente .

2)Activity Book: page 40, activities 1,2. I will upload the answers later. Erantzunak beranduago igoko ditut blogera.

1) Pupil's Book page 38: Read the comic and watch the story. Komikia irakurri eta bideoa ikusi.
2) Activity Book page 41 activities 3,4,5. I will upload the answers later. Erantzunak beranduago igoko ditut blogera.

How did you do the homework? Today's task is to correct the activities you did.  Click HERE. Zer moduz egin dituzue lanak? Gaurko lana, aurreko ariketa guztiak zuzentzea da. Klikatu HEMEN.

When you finish, remember you can enter in http://ace.mac-english.com/mqt/ to play games and revise vocabulary of unit 6. Remember to write your username and password! Zuzentzen bukatzerakoan, gogoratu http://ace.mac-english.com/mqt/ webgunean sartu zaitezketela 6. unitateko hitzak birpasatzeko eta jolasteko. Gogoratu zuen kontu eta pasahitzetaz!

Well done everyone!!! Have a lovely weekend!! 
Smiley face emoticons “save people energy” - Energy Live News

LH4 (20th April- 24th April)

Hello students!! 
How was Easter? I hope you enjoyed the holidays.
These are the tasks you have to carry out this week: 


1)We are going to learn some new vocabulary about every day activities. When you finish, send me the answers by clicking in "send my answers to my teacher".Orain, eguneroko ekintzen inguruko hitz batzuk ikasiko ditugu hurrengo fitxan. Bukatzerakoan, "email my answers to my teacher" jartzen duen lekuan klikatu eta hutsuneak bete niri bidaltzeko (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus).

-->https://es.liveworksheets.com/ub223803ib <--
Fitxa interaktibo hau Pupil's Bookeko 37.orria da.

Castellano: Una vez terminada la ficha interactiva, hay que darle a "terminado" (finish) y después a "enviar las respuestas al profesor" (email the answers to my teacher). Después, hay que rellenar la información que pide y por último añadir mi correo electrónico lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus). De esa manera, podréis ver la ficha corregida y mandarme una copia automáticamente.

2)Activity Book: page 40, activities 1,2. I will upload the answers later. Erantzunak beranduago igoko ditut blogera.

1) Correct the activities we did on Monday. Click HERE to see the answers. Astelehenean egindako ariketak zuzendu. Horretarako klikatu HEMEN.

2) Pupil's Book: page 38. Now we are going to read a comic, "The quiz show". When you finish, you can watch the video: Orain, komikia irakurriko dugu, "The quiz show". Bukatzerakoan, bideoa ikusi:

1)Watch the video again and do this worksheet. Bideoa berriro ikusi eta fitxa interaktibo hau egin (gogoratu nire emaila idazteaz)

2)"Extra book" page 31: activity1,2 + page 32 activity 1. If you don't have the extra book, open them here. "Extra Booka" ez baduzue, hemendik ireki: page 31, page 32
(Gogoratu: "extra book-a" tapa transparentea duena da.)

3) OPTIONAL: Remember you can enter in http://ace.mac-english.com/mqt/ to play games and revise vocabulary of unit 6. Remember to write your username and password! 
Gogoratu http://ace.mac-english.com/mqt/ webgunean sartu zaitezketela 6. unitateko hitzak birpasatzeko eta jolasteko. Gogoratu zuen kontu eta pasahitzetaz!


Smiley face emoticons “save people energy” - Energy Live News

LH5 (20th April-24thApril)

Hello students!! 
How was Easter? I hope you enjoyed the holidays.
These are the tasks you have to carry out this week: 

1) Correct the Easter homework. If you did mistakes, revise them, please.  Aste Santuko lanak zuzendu. Zerbait gaizki egin baduzue, birpasatu mesedez. 

2) Now, we are going to learn some new vocabulary about cities and towns in these activities. When you finish, send me the answers by clicking in "send my answers to my teacher".Orain, hiri eta herrien inguruko hitz batzuk ikasiko ditugu hurrengo fitxetan. Bukatzerakoan, "send my answers to my teacher" jartzen duen lekuan klikatu eta hutsuneak bete niri bidaltzeko. (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus)

1st activity-->https://es.liveworksheets.com/yo220405gs
2nd activity-->https://www.liveworksheets.com/yn220519gz

Castellano: Una vez terminada la ficha interactiva, hay que darle a "terminado" (finish) y después a "enviar las respuestas al profesor" (email the answers to my teacher). Después, hay que rellenar la información que pide y por último añadir mi correo electrónico (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus). De esa manera, podréis ver la ficha corregida y mandarme una copia automáticamente.

Wednesday 22nd April:

Now, we are going to revise the vocabulary of the previous day. Orain, aurreko eguneko hiztegia birpasatuko dugu ariketa hauekin:

1)Activity book: page 51, activities1,2. 

2)Extra book (tapa transparentea duena): page 21, activities 1,2,3.
I will upload the answers soon. Ariketa hauen erantzunak laster igoko ditut.

Friday 24th April:

1) Activity book: page 52, activities 1,2. 

2) https://es.liveworksheets.com/pd266167oq Remember to send me the answers by clicking on "email the answers to my teacher"! Gogoratu erantzunak bidaltzeaz "enviar mias respuestas al profesor" klikatuz!

3) Correct all the activities that we have done this week. Aste honetako ariketak zuzendu.  Click HERE/HEMEN 

Smiley face emoticons “save people energy” - Energy Live News

2020(e)ko apirilaren 3(a), ostirala


I hope you are well!
We start the Easter holidays on Monday so I am going to show you some webpages where you can do activities and play games. You are not going to get bored! Astelehenean, Aste Santuko oporrak hasten ditugu. Esteka batzuk partekatuko ditut ariketak egiteko eta jolasteko. Horrela, ez zarete aspertuko!

Games to revise vocabulary:



LH5 EASTER HOMEWORK (Aste Santuko lana)

I hope you are well! On Monday, we start the Easter holidays so I ask you to do the following activities:

1- Class Book pages 40,41: TROTTER'S TOURS. Read the comic and listen to the story (Download the audio).2- Activity Book pages 49,50: Do the activities in the activity book. 
I will upload the answers after Easter.

1-Class Book pages 40,41: TROTTER'S TOURS. Komikia irakurri eta entzun (deskargatu audioa).
2-Activity Book pages 49,50: Ariketak egin. 
Ariketen erantzunak, Aste Santua eta gero zintzilikatuko ditut.

OPTIONAL: You can play different games in the following webpages. AUKERAZKOA: jolas desberdinak daude hurrengo esteketan:


2020(e)ko apirilaren 1(a), asteazkena

LH6 (30th March- 3rd April)

Hello! How are you?
Some of you can't do the activities in "Classroom" so you can always check them in the blog.
Zuetako batzuk arazoak dituzue "Classroom"en jarduerak egiteko, beraz, Bloga jarraitu dezakezue.

These are the tasks you have to carry out this week: Hauek dira aste honetan egin behar dituzuen lanak:

MONDAY 30th March
Do you like plickers? this game is even better! you have to enter in this webpage to play kahoot. After you write you name, you are ready to play!.
Plickers gustatzen al zaizue? Jolas hau hobea da! Sartu webgune honetan eta zuen izena (zure izena!) idatzi eta gero prest zaudete jolasteko!

Who is going to be the winner?????? Good luck!!!!

First, let's revise the "past simple" and it's rules. Lehenengo "past simpleko" arauak errepasatuko ditugu: 

Now, you have to do 2 worksheets. Once you finish it, click on "finish" and then "Email my answers to my teacher". Then write your name, grade (LH6 A or B), school subject (English) and my email (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus). Good luck!
Fitxa hauek egin behar dituzue. Bukatzerakoan klikatu "finish" jartzen duen lekuan eta ondoren "Email my answers to my teacher". Izena idatzi (name), grade (LH6 A or B), school subject (English) eta nire emaila (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus). Good luck!

Egin beharreko fitxak:



This is the last activity before the Easter holidays. This is a very important task to revise unit 4. Do it and send it to me please. Do it with Word. If you have any questions just tell me.
Hau oporrak baino lehenagoko azken lana da. Oso lan garrantzitsua da 4. gaia errepasatzeko. Aurreko lanak hau egin baino lehen egin behar dituzue.
Zalantzak badituzue idatzi, mesedez.
1- Deskargatu dokumentua (linka klikatzean, goran eta eskubiko partean, aukera ematen du deskargatzeko)
2. Dokumentua ireki eta ariketak egin. Ez badu editatzen utzi klikatu "habilitar edición" jartzen duen lekuan, goiko partean horiz.
3.Ariketak bukatzerakoan, gorde eta niri bidali berriz (lauramadina@ipikarmengoama.eus).

Zalantzak badituzue idatzi, mesedez.

Take care! :)
