2021(e)ko urtarrilaren 28(a), osteguna

LH6 Unit 3.1. Past Simple

 Hello students! 

In unit 3, we are learning the past simple. Remember:

Now, you can do the following activities: 

1) Do these worksheets: 

Activity 1: Present simple and past simple. Verb TO BE: Click HERE.

Activity 2: Click HERE

Activity 3: Click HERE.

2) Now you can play games:




LH5 UNIT 3.2.

 Hello students!

Let's continue learning! Today, you have to do some activities to revise "there is" and "there are" structures. Do you remember them? Do the following activities using the "flapbooks" that we made.


1) Do the following worksheets: 

Activity 1:  Click HERE.

Activity 2: Click HERE:

2) Now, you can play the games we played last day.

2021(e)ko urtarrilaren 14(a), osteguna

LH4 Unit 3

Hello students!
We are going to do some activities to revise unit 3 (Activity camp). Follow the steps:

1) We are going to revise the present continuous. Click HERE to do the activity.

2) You can play some games now:

GAME 1 Whack-a-mole
GAME 2 Maze Chase
GAME 3 Hangman
GAME 4 Fast Vocabulary
GAME 5 Weather
GAME 6 Numbers

Have fun!

2021(e)ko urtarrilaren 12(a), asteartea

LH5 Unit 3


You have to do the following activities.

1) Look at the picture and revise:

               There is a monster.    --   There are three monsters.      
2) Now, do the following activity. Click HERE.

3) Revise the prepositions of place:

4) Do the following activity. Click HERE.

5) Play this game: